Georgistii se simt orfani
Would you enjoy a game based on the Macedonian front?
The change a human soul suffers from this game...
Ce mai faceti colegi, sper ca totul decurge conform planului vostru, sa tindem catre dreapta 💪
My negative map features tier list
tell me your real car(s)...
All along the watchtower...
As much as I hate Tropico 6, I cant deny that this update is EXACTLY what the game needed! FINALLY some Trees!!
99.6 hours in tropico 6 ( ask me for tips)
Rate my garage bro
Idek what to do
Ce mai faceți, băieți și fete?
So.. i bankrupted How can i NOT bankrupt?
Dominic Fritz : Sunt rușinat de nominalizarea lui Donald Trump pentru Premiul Nobel pentru Pace de către SNSPA.
Do the crops on your fields dissapear when you guys zoom out?
Santa Cruz del Islote: The Most Populated Island in the World
Mi-a venit nevasta de pe temu
What If Communist China Collapsed Instead Of The USSR? (Year: 2000)
Newer solution to the usa falling apart
Quick question: how do i enforce child labour?
Shit in mouth
Whatdyall think
Tell me
With rumors of Tropico 7 swirling around, is there anything you miss from the original?
How do I build housing areas correct?