Triceratons VS Viltrumites
What If France & Spain Became Communist During The 1930's?
Invincible (comics and show) is my first exposure to image comics, what was that end credits about?
The titty enlargement is no longer canon???
That extra dialog from Mr. You know who was everything
Spin off idea
I can't believe Amazon's diverging so far from the source material...
Who do you guys think is gonna be in the season 4 teaser?
FWI: during a war between China and American over Taiwan, China creates a superhuman serum and deploys a literal superhero into the battlefield
How do you beat this lineup?
What If Communist China Collapsed Instead Of The USSR? (Year: 2000)
New Image just dropped on IMDB's page for Season 3 episode 8. May be a spoiler for the upcoming finale.
Do You Think We'll Se Any Of These Characters Join Next Season's Guardians?
Holy shit.
Does Brit return in future?
Stand Ready For His Arrival
Anyone else wondering who in the world is gonna show up to fight all these Marks?
Who do you guys think will be his VA in the show?
Can’t wait so see him again next episode
Jeffery Dean Morgan in Season 3 Credits - Could This Mean?
But what if....
Angstrom's plan is actually super smart and makes a lot of sense
How big is the Viltrumite empire?
Comic readers, what’re we thinking here? Are they diverging from the comics this episode? If so, how?