What do they say is the best way to start a discography?
The All-Time Oscar Best Supporting Actress Nominees Are in! Vote now for All-Time Best Original Screenplay.
Anthology 2025
Thoughts on Sour Milk Sea?
The All-Time Oscar Best Supporting Actor Nominees Are in! Vote now for All-Time Best Actress in a Supporting Role.
What would’ve happened if Brett won FIC?
Just finished watching season 1 to 6 and by far this guy is still the smartest winner I've seen.
What Director Has Gotten The Most Movies Into Best Picture Without A Director Nom?
Which "Home Alone" alumni would you most like to see nominated for an Oscar someday?
What Oscar Nominee/Winner Are You Convinced Will Never Get Another Nomination? (Obviously Only Actors That Are Still Alive/Haven’t Retired)
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone has won Best Production Design! What is the biggest snub for Best Costume Design?
Am I slow on picking up The Jumping Man being The Log Lady's husband?
What are some of your favorite performances from blockbuster films or franchises that you believe were worthy of Oscar nominations?
What’s the best 3 song run from any of their albums?
Jeff Crying His Eyes Out
Thoughts on the only players in US survivor to play multiple times and never finish below top five?
Which upcoming Pixar movie are you most looking forward to?
What’s an actor who’s doing a great job but you can’t imagine them winning an Oscar?
What was the most obvious oscar win of all time?
What Oscar nominations were “Right year, wrong performance” to you? I’ll go first.
Oasis new album name
Kyle and David
I don’t understand this
Who do you think are the “locks” for season 50?
Thomas is a Bad A**