I guess we doin Rock Music now.
Thoughts on Sour Milk Sea?
Is Nuendo better for game sound design than Reaper if we forget the cost
HTTF is the perfect album for a 10k run
I made a Subterranean Homesick Alien cup
Jonny Greenwood wearing a hat while signing a guitar. (RECENT PHOTOS)
Tips for diegetic music in game?
Do you think the Beatles would’ve found success if it was just Paul, John, and Ringo?
Advice on SFX and UI sounds
I'm so lost
What album should I play for my family to introduce them to Radiohead
What's the best mix you've ever heard?
Brahms x. Radiohead Minneapolis
What is the Beatles most experimental/psychedelic/Avant garde song
Interesting ways to find more music.
Which deep cut would you die to see them play live?
The Only Good Radiohead Album
Favorite Paul Lyric?
Favorite George Lyric?
What song has your favourite bridge?