I want to share the progress over several weeks of development: I created basic movement, double jump, dodge, light and heavy attacks, as well as attacks in the air.
Я скорость....
108 hours in
I dream of one day creating a AAA game, but for now, I ask you to give feedback on the prototype of my first game level. I am inspired by the Resident Evil 4 remake and want to create a level in the same dark horror style. My level is set in an old abandoned house surrounded by a dense forest.
We have made one of the main mechanics for our game - Parkour through a cyberpunk wasteland
CRETE: Projectile deflection + Vertex Animation Texture workflows with Static Meshes.
I'm creating my first game and I'm wondering what do you think of my combos? Do they look good, or are they too jerky?
Повер попы
My game for 15 seconds, work in progress. How would you name it?
How's My Russian Cursive?
I built a free image to pixel art converter
Сколько человек обычно охраняют морг?
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Оцените warhammer этот от 1 до 10.
Кто это ? Но только неверный ответ.
Elden Ring inspired map. Thoughts?
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Do you think that my hybrid solution for deformable terrain works well? Mesh deformation + normals from a normal map. (the terrain is a custom, infinitely extending, fully procedural system)
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