Giveaway for any $70 game of your choice [Steam]
So Many Monsters to choose from
So I need a final teammate that can learn fly and please tell me, is my team good and thanks. I have five badges.
What does the Amnesia movement do?
First shiny in the run, why did it have to be a zubat?? 😢
Preload Live on Xbox
Is it alright?
Patch Notes v0.4.15
Are your legs ok Seikret?
Last post Blew up! So I'm giving away a copy of Wilds!
How do I rescue a Pokemon in Ble Rescue Team
Is Pokemon Diamond good?
MH Wilds on Switch 2
Just lost to bugsy , Scyther u turned me to oblivion
New pal world update
Just beat E4 with my Kanto Dream Team
Sometimes I get really stubborn about finding a certain nature (still didn't find it tho)
Eevee won’t evolve?
How to obtain Blue Eyes Dimension Skill
Do you change your weapon for THAT fight?
Can a typical 128GB USB 3.0 flash drive (with an "actual" capacity of 115.4GB according to Windows) be used with an Xbox console as game storage (not media), or is the drive too small?
To all IG mains that wanted a better control scheme: