My Monk became Immortal(Somehow)
First shiny in the run, why did it have to be a zubat?? 😢
Noob question
What should I name him
me ajudem a escolher uma das fotos (pode parecer besteira mas sou mt insegura c isso de rede social… queria postar uma dessas duas mas n sei qual)
Took me 5 mins to get this to the ship... I screamed
Rate my Team
With the rise and advancement of AI, y'all think there's gonna be a lot of fake voices of Cory saying gotta pocket things or js cursing?
The Last of Us Part 2
I guess the song title was quite long
Qual a primeira impressão que eu passo?
I need 3 Pokemon to finish the National Dex: Shuckle, Spiritomb and Dhelmise (I've never met). If someone could help me find their location
Day 2. Meant to be annoying, ended up being fan fav
Mash up mode?
My favorite graffiti in the game
READY FOR MY [Hyperlink Blocked] POD[cast]??
Quero perde peso mas são 20kg que preciso perde e sinto que não vou conseguir
My own wishlist
Since when did you know our goat?
Lessss goooo
Why *Gallery* doesn't play during this scene?
Thoughts on my tier list?
What is this?
Anyone see Thursday's lineup? I'm not okay (I promise 😉)
Xbox Gamepass com preço ridículo.