Do people think cows are fun?
Group photo
Enemy health didn't drop the entire match
Name a character that nobody likes
Might be the worst weekend event of all time
Why is Happy Tree Friends on Crunchyroll?
I just got 4 consecutive perfect wins with this new deck and it doesn’t have any spells in it either.
What game got you like this?
What leggy seems to follow you around even though you don’t use them?
You have to survive one month in your last watched cartoon/animated series, how screwed are you.
What show in what network is it?
Playing with our twin 34DDDs
I know what you’re thinking, keep swiping
What game does this to you?
Crunchyroll has just launched its Primetime channel on YouTube
Are my top 3 waifus legit?
Haven’t posted my financial mistakes in a while sooooo
Can this guy not shut the fuck up
diabetes drink made in a toilet
Is it a grievous crime or a petty crime?
Results of a girls only challange run on hard. Female party members only, female personas only for Joker, and female Confidants only, except Maruki, bc Joker needs to be treated for his womanizing habits.
“you should play persona 4. the gameplay is so good and it’s actually so much better than p5” also p4 gameplay:
What’s your opinion on Makoto Yuki?
What's with people putting cake in wine glasses?
Saw this art on Twitter