Which game are you certain was worth the hype?
What's the best video game you have ever played?
Osobe starije od 25+ jel vas roditelji stalno pitaju gdje idete?
what video game best describes this…
Who is your favourite Star Wars villain?
Is anyone else terrible at video games but absolutely loves them?
Game recommendation for middle aged gamer. You guys have always given solid recommendations.
I asked some friends to give me their Top 5 favourite games ever. Who has the best and worst tastes ? (Names are random googled names)
What's a game franchise you've just never been able to get into despite trying several times?
Video Game Workers Launch Industry-Wide Union with Communications Workers of America
Any games in which the NPCs realize how powerful you are based on gameplay, thus ask you to take care of all the problems?
Kolega snima mobitelom kolegu u svrhu ponižavanja.
Komentiranje na redditu?
What are your 4 favorite first-person shooter campaigns you never get tired of replaying?
what is the longest play time you have on any game on steam?
Što je najljepše što vam je netko rekao?
Dečki, budite li se s jutarnjom erekcijom?
Most of us try it , do you?
In which game you sunk over 1000+ hours?
Yen was really pissed at Geralt
Vi koji živite sami, koliko trošite mjesečno na namirnice?
What's everyone been playing lately?
If you could forget everything about a game and play it again which one?
Postoje li ljudi koji se ne drogiraju?
Odjeb ili ne ?