Who Would Win In A Three Way?
Who is the best Anime MC in your opinion?
What does my top 25 say about me?
Name this boss
Kolskeggr Mine, the best?
Is beating all the mass effect games using melee only actually possible on insanity? (Image credit BioWare)
Who’s The Most Visually Disgusting Video Game Character You Can Think Of? I’ll Go First
What's the saddest song you've heard in a video game?
What is the best shot in all of anime?
Favorite character that you genuinely fear?
Which Daedra must give the best fuck?
What do you consider the funniest anime scene ever ?
Marcurio is the best 500 gold I've ever spent
Favorite barrage of punches?
It seems I’ve accidentally done something
What crime exactly was the DragonBorn accused of in the intro?
i feel sick but wow
Top 3 or 5 FAVORITE game?
What is the most stupid decision a character made?
What were your first anime's that got you to like anime?
AC Black Flag Enjoyers: Give me your favorite shanty
What is your favourite shotgun in gaming?
Favorite character that makes you feel like this.