Haircare Advice Megathread - Week of March 15, 2025
elemental skill build?!!!
extra day in hofn/kirkjubæjarklaustur
mid may itinerary check
10 day iceland mid-may itinerary check/help with 2 of the days
how do i find historical geospatial data
Stop Projecting Western Beauty Standards onto Single’s Inferno
bambam should get off twitter
bg music
pinterest acting weird
places that are best/avoid in mid-late may?
itinerary help
how late can i book a may trip
best platforms for portfolio building
Which four star is never on a banner you're pulling on?
Which of my artifact I have to work on it first
how quickly can i reach ar60
how can i improve my top 10% neuvillette build
Hp circlet or Crit?
Adela was right about Manon BUT she was rightfully cut from Dream Academt.
c1 neuvillette!!!!!!
Is this team Neuv worthy?
C1 Neuvi or all in Citlali?
team rotation help