I’m getting an r4 for my Nintendo DS light but the problem is that the SD card is not working properly like when I try to download games it takes like a long while or there’s an error and it’s like corrupted
Any body wanna trade
Anybody have something better?
Anyone want to trade?
Metroid prime, hunters DS first hunt
Anybody wanna trade?
is my ds lite broken?
What’s everyone else playing this evening?
Should I trade my DS for 3DS the sticker is not controversial and I don’t support it and I’m not part of it
What game should I get for my Nintendo DS lite
I’m trying to connect my DS light to the Internet, but it’s not working and I asked Chachi PT and it tells me that only compatible with WEP And also, that the lock should be blue
I’m trying to connect my Nintendo DS light to the Internet, but I can’t what should I do? And that the little locks in the photo should be blue
Does anyone have any Nintendo DS light game recommendations?
Do you guys have any game recommendations for my Nintendo DS light
Why doesn’t it work?