Engine RPMs drop around 60 mph
US Army with an Orthodox cross?
What is this? My bf from bootcamp sent it to me in a letter with no explanation
Restaurants in Bulgaria
Chuck Norris parks his car in a no parking zone to buy some groceries. When he returns to his car, he sees a cop standing there. „Is that your car?“, he asks.
[Japanese> English]
Japanese to English
On the underside of a flap on a vintage military coat. A name, perhaps? Thanks!
[Unknown>English] On the underside of a flap on a military coat.
On the underside of a flap on a military jacket. What does it say? What language is it?
Can anyone identify this helmet?
Mystery object found on the beach in SE NC USA. Very hard, porcelain-like. Dimpled but smooth to the touch. Heavy. Fossil? Bone? See link for pictures. Thanks!
Is this a fossil? Mystery object found on the beach in SE NC USA. Heavy, porcelain-like. Dimpled, but smooth to the touch. Strong material.
Mystery object found on the beach in SE NC USA. Heavy, dimpled and smooth to the touch. Feels like porcelain. Seems very durable, but I’m not about to try and break it. Fossil? Bone?
ELI5: What are “Natural Flavors” on US Nutrition Facts / ingredient labels and why aren’t they more specific?
"Dude, why does gunny have a huge hard on right now? And where'd he get that beer?" (x/post from r/wtf)
My fight ends tonight Devils
Avalanche rescue dog named Truckee lets off some steam
Just in case you like the shivers
Recently purchased 2000 Sportster starting issues/dying/misfiring
Harley Sportster: Mysterious clutch issue
'86 883 XLH: Mysterious Clutch Issue for the Ultimate Sportster Badass
Antique (1940s, 1950s?) tool that expert can't place. Who knows what this is?
Someone from church gave this to my mom for Christmas. We are both very confused..
What movie just Doesn't Give A F*** whether the audience can keep up or not?