First meshtastic device - recommendations
What type of redundancy for home server?
Proxmox+Immich install - How?
Как обичате да пиете кафето си?
People who lost their eye from a pellet gun how painful was it. and how do you look at a pellet gun now?
S&P Краш
Какво да го правя този?
What is this
Thoughts on that one?
Спад на S&P 500
How’s my Voo and chill people doing today?
is thus normal? [De Longhi Dedica]
Полигони с гуми около софия
Хората пощуряха 😂
Hello from Bulgaria! Trip questions
КАК да се отърва от хлебарките ако въобще е възможно
sp500 etf, да инвестирам голяма сума когато крашне или месечен dca?
What environment to use? NAS + Homelab
Need some help with NAS system
Mounting network attached storage
Advice needed.
basal metabolic rate false
3 months - almost no scratches