Is it normal to drift away from Islam when it was forced upon you?
Working in an office with ADHD
Cease fire in Gaza ended and israel strike Rafah
Are antidepressants worth trying while waiting for an ADHD diagnosis?
Ni som använder minoxidil, vart beställer ni det?
Is it normal to feel intense sadness out of nowhere?
I can’t stop thinking about my childhood - Ruined my life
What do you do in your free time?
The driver of the car in the 2025 Mannheim vehicle attack has been revealed to be Alexander Scheuermann
I Struggle with Larger Social Gatherings and Get extremely Socially Awkward
What CPU for CS2?
Screen artifacts on PC startup
Just realised bro been lying to us since this
no one believes me
Photos of the Villach, Austria knife attacker as he got arrested (higher quality plus another photo)
Screen artifacts / lines on startup
Lines Over my screen
One month difference between pictures
Does anyone find Anomaly's farts, burps and moans funny?
Is Linda Anomaly's half sister or girlfriend?
Finasteride shortage in Sweden, going crazy
Source of oral minoxidil in sweden?
Oral minoxidil causing me to vomit?
2.5mg oral minoxidil every other day?
Male (24) Using Dutasteride Since 2020 – Concerns About Having Kids