This is just peak card design in the game.
Digimon Restrictions 3/15
Evolve 2 times with 2 Violets?
R/P Virus Imp BT20 build thoughts
1st Place at locals w/ Virus Imperialdramon!
Have you played against RP Imperial? Do you find it abusive?
Link & AppGattai Mechanics Explained
(Power-scaling related) Hot Take — REPOST:
[DMW] Could you help me understand where I'm at in the game and what I should do to move forward to the endgame?
Order marked as not arrived- now it's here how do I mark it as arrived?
Do I get the "would leave" effect if it doesn't leave?
Who wins this? All these characters at their final war arc power levels and gear except for deku being in the first war arc in terms of power VS usj all might
How can you DNA into Examon with 3 or fewer memory?
Starting out and trying to understand BB and ETB value
Is Spiritborn similar to monk?
In need of some guidance
Throw a game at me!
Is extensive reading the cheat code of language learning?
Mirage or Galaxy Mirage?
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Digimon Card Game - Weekly Ruling Questions Post
[BT-19 Xros Evolution] Greymon & MailBirdramon
Yggdrasil and Ace Overflow
Which is better? Red base or Blue base?
How do I improve my build after level 50 to get ready for endgame content?