Printing to Bleed
Gutted Workforce
Jesus Loves You!
good riddance, petsmart 👋
Non-treats members when you explain to them that you can save them a couple dollars here and there with every purchase if they join a free membership
hamsters missed their cue
guinea pig sales
My first time keeping a fish tank
Fish bowls are back, why?
Tiny red lumps on Golden Algae Eater?
customers saying the darnest things
Two Tiny Bahaman Anoles in a row?
Small animal Meet and Greet
I am so sick of reptile customers
"Two goldfish in a 10 g tank is okay!"
Raising prices
Is it just me…
At PetSmart, we are hiring for the holidays!
"But I thought fish were easy!"
[Paid] Hiring 2D artists for a tactical RPG
Rosaria (Catalyst fan art, please come home x3)