Do you find phone notofocations disturbing and how do you feel about them in general?
why do people hate objective narration
How do you fall asleep when your mind won’t stop?
How do you feel after socializing?
What’s the most ADHD thing you do ?
How many of us have an unusual relationship with music?
No longer allergic to pollen?
What is the most anoying tip from non-ADHD people for you?
considering quitting college from ADHD
What does your mind feel like
What classes did you struggle with in school?
Black fans
I feel like I’m going to be an overachiever
I am not willing to have children like other people, am I weird?
What's your dream pet?
Dear INTPs, how many crushes have you had?
iPad screen goes black when i touch certain areas
What's a compliment that you'll always remember?
what the diifference between love and lust ?
Favorite character with the letter G?
Does anyone else miss 2020, quarantining and chilling at home
Thinking of purchasing a used iMac
I don't speak any languages. AMA
Would you describe yourself as a creative person?
Does anybody else never watch movies/tv series?