Do you stick to your favorites?
NYT Saturday 03/22/2025 Discussion
Thoughts on Tom/Sam
NYT Thursday 03/20/2025 Discussion
Civ VII is the best of the franchise, this is a hill I can die on.
A Fourth Age? No way!
S13, E3 (Nebula) - Schengen Showdown
I Built All 49 Wonders in a Single Game of Civ 7
I Built Every Wonder in a Single Game of Civ VII (Lots of quick cuts; probably don't watch if you're epileptic)
Disappearing Wonders?
How do you think Gamefreak will handle Mega Evolution after Legneds ZA?
NYT Sunday 03/02/2025 Discussion
NYT Friday 02/28/2025 Discussion
NYT Wednesday 02/26/2025 Discussion
What are some seemingly obvious things you didn't know for a long time? Part 2
NYT Sunday 02/16/2025 Discussion
Yet Another "Thoughts On/Fixing Rogue Legends" Post
Ways to improve Rogue Legends:
700 hours in, just realized that transforming a curse w/ Omamori will negate the new curse.
Season 12 Finale — We Played Hide And Seek Across Japan
2024 Highest and Lowest Rated NYT Puzzles, according to r/Crossword
Which DTFATI (if any) was this video from?
Oakburn and the Misery of 1997
Gen 4 Multi Battle NPC Ribbon
Any idea why this redstone isn't working?