Types as video game genres
An Ace of Spades inspired game - Guns, Blocks, and Steel
If you're planning to post your game's trailer on YouTube, make sure you verify your account well in advance!
New update for my game - Destructible buildings, Day/night cycle, Barracks, Warfare game mode
Guns, Blocks, and Steel - Silver - Voxel multiplayer FPS with fully destructible terrain
Steam Next Fest...Day 1 Results (This should make you feel better)
Vehicular attack gone wrong
How do I get people to join my discord?
I’m Releasing My Game with Only 700 Wishlists
best engine for online multiplayer?
As solo game devs, do you use stock music?
Types as programming languages
Finished the first draft of my GDD, it’s 34 pages. How much design do people do before getting started?
Steam changing their policy on external links on store pages.
Does shooters devs look for weapons experts?
Is memory shared on client-server architecture for a localhost?
What do you think of my trailer? (multiplayer fps game)
What do you think of my FPS game?
Dynamic war
I'm lost on voxel engines
Graphics improvements for my block game: Wavy grass/leaves and precomputed ambient occlusion
Making a minecraft clone, stuck in an annoying bug. Help.
What if the rocket launcher in my game had no cooldown
I'm working on a multiplayer fps block game with fully destructible terrain