Slime Novels
They need more.
Is it too early to bring back this goldie ft TS Luna
First time souls player here, how on earth do I beat the fire giant (I’m a level 80 mage) [pc]
Who do you want to be? You can pick 2 🤤🤤
Unable to look away from girlcock😍😍😍 biggest trigger ever💕💕💕 hhhnnng, I'm still straight right?🥰🥰🥰
Light Novel 16 Secured!
Enough of this BS, I'II give away all my 110k Reddit COINS to everyone in the comments!
Amber Heard
Can we all appreciate how fire this moment was
LN 16 Official Translation Comes out date
What's the biggest "I'm him"moment in mashle
Why are magi Sinbad spinoff scans so low quality
just started reading mashle. enjoying it so far, except for one thing
My first Mashle edit, wanted to share it with you all! :) @gautart_w
Fav panel in the series
Less than 24hrs to go until greatness of LN4 DROPS!!!
Let's talk about Jin woo and Cha Hai In getting old
Gotta be the funniest scan in SL
How to you guys think of the story of tbate ending with Arthur dead
No interest in new arc, lol
Solo Leveling trailer been out for a min, how are people already hating😭🤣
Lightnovel to mamwha comparison thoughts
Wish we could've seen more of her, fine as hell no cap
(LN V11) Ah the pain