Thoughts on TAG Slabs holding value.
151 tins drop at Costco in Toronto this morning
Tag has let me down
Help Me Overcome My Buyers Remorse
Don’t be racist
I've been laughing for the last 10 min.
Girlfriend says that she can only squirt if I can get deep enough, which I am not able to
[23 F] how can I improve to look prettier?
dumb ways to die
Just pulled this!
They just found each other.
Trying to overtake someone on a road that turns into a one lane
Man attacks BJJ blue belt and finds out quickly (Street fight)
Crackhead does a motherfucking backflip off a fucking building and nails the superhero landing!!
Gave a cute guy my number at the store.
There are some hobbies that people do that I would never get on board with. This is one of them.
Transporting a table down an escalator
Creatine makes you not only swole
Just seen over TCI heading east to west with a crazy noise behind it too
Got my dream internship so roast me while I’m ecstatic
25F bully me like it’s school again
How Closely Do You Watch Your Day Trades?
Hey guys how cooked am I on this option contract
Anyone know what this guy did?
There’s a reason 90% fail