After many hours of testing, here are the results of some of the most efficient Weapons, EX, and OP in the game.
Need a new Fantasy/Sci-Fi series
Monster Hunter Wilds: Dual Blades | Weapon Overview
I still can't believe that four years ago capcom made dodogamas master rank quest description say this.
Guess who just found rajang...
Of course dual blades is the last weapon to be shown off.
Now that it's been eighth months since the return to world campaign, how did you like it?
What are you guys talking about? The monster hunter franchise never had a "lance" or a "dual blades" weapon, We've only ever had 12 weapons.
Guys I've just gotten a leak that says the next weapon that's going to be revealed tomorrow is either the Lance or duel blades.
Meet the 007 of monster hunter.
Found in discord regarding an interview confirming RNG decos in wilds.
Guess who just figured out stun Res is an important skill...
What monster do you think this armour set belongs too? Could it be a brand new never before seen monster to the series?
If monster hunter had the same messaging system from elden ring what are you writing first?
I mean... 1 billion is a lot.
We might be getting a new unannounced Temnoceran because of the web-like pattern on the charge blade in wilds.
Every. Single. Time.
What is something other hunters do that you hate/judge them for?
Lil reminder about how some people felt about monster hunter world coming to the PS4 back in 2017.
I believe him.
How was this loser even able to get his "hands" on a great rune in the first place?
Please let this happen it would be so funny...
What are your thoughts/feelings regarding focus mode Do you like it? Or do you dislike it?