What’s your big six?
Few old sonic youth shirts I’ve got over the past few months. Who else still owns their old tees?
I hate being seen as a victim
create your nightmare birth chart for a potential significant other
Whats your moon sign, and how do you deal with/process difficult emotions ?
Theme for this week, what will be revealed, and advice?
How do I learn to walk away from things that aren't right for me?
What's something people don't understand until they've experienced it themselves?
Including a maximum of two Lynch films, what would you say are your top 10 movies?
In your opinion, what is the worst moon sign to have and why?
Weird obsessive queer man
Looking for a specific alt/pop artist, about to go mad and wondering if I dreamed them up.
Cool artsy bars that play live music? Punky/underground vibes?
Greatest essential Surrealist novels? (For a new reader)
Looking for Female Albums with an Ethereal anger
How do I get a better sex life with my boyfriend?
How do I become more open and relaxed around people?
My boyfriend (20M) always assumes a small mistake in my sentences equates to me (19 F) lying?
[IIL] Looking for depressing albums/bands.
What's your stellium and how does it affect your life?
Have you ever dated a gloomy pessimist? How did that go?
What’s your favorite weird TH lyric?
How did you "waste" your 20s"?
UK small presses/indie publishing houses that publish weird/experimental stuff?