what's the creepiest and scariest thing you've ever seen but you can't explain?
Anyone live in/near Stevens Point, WI? GMM themed drinks all of March
What’s something from your childhood that kids today will never experience?
What’s a smell that most people love but you hate?
What’s the perfect song to add to a gloomy November playlist?
What is the recipe to your ultimate dream sandwich?
Let’s make candy salad.
Which game/theme would you want to participate in if you were a guest on the show?
What old-fashioned name does NOT deserve a comeback and needs to just stay dead?
What sounds best?
What’s your favorite drive through order (tell us where too!)?
What word did they bleep out?
If you won the lottery and kept it a secret, what subtle changes would people begin to notice in your life?
What song can you listen to on repeat for hours without ever getting bored?
What was your first memory you remember when you first gained consciousness as a child?
Name your top 3 worst candy picks
Women of reddit, what's something that you think would suck about being a guy?
What is your wildest “glad I listened to my gut” story?
When did you realize a friend or group of friends was fake?
What's the most surprising thing you've discovered about yourself recently?
What is some cooking life hacks?
Parents of Reddit, how do you get your terror-tot to go to sleep when they don't want to!?
What are the chances of getting accepted into college with a 2.6 GPA and would being accepted at that GPA be possible?
Is there a show you binged with a theme song you didn't skip past?
What's something that hurt, even though it wasn't intended to?