Šta posle ovakvih izjava(laži) direktora BIA-e..
Prophesy of Pendor - Struggling with army composition and other things
Protests at Istanbul University today after the diploma of Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu was revoked and an arrest was made this morning.
Istanbul mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu's university diploma was cancelled after he announced his candidacy for the presidency. (In Turkey, people without a university degree cannot run for president; Erdoğan has eliminated one of his strongest rivals in this way)
After marching for several days, students from all over Serbia are greeted ahead of whats expected to be the largest protest in Serbian history
Dajte molim vas ko ima vremena, da uradimo onaj video iz LOTR kako su nastali ćaci
Najveći skup u istoriji Srbije, ali stvarno!
Preko 1 000 000 ljudi na ulicama BG
Nakon svega sto se desava poslednjih 3 meseca kako oprostiti njegovim sledbenicima kad on ode sa vlasti?
Navijač zvezde fizički nasrnuo na mene dok sam vikala pumpaj
"Boj se ovna, boj se govna..."
How do you become a fan of a team when there is more than one team in the same city?
Политичка криза у Републици Српској - апдејт догађаја
Vanja slayed
Why is Dodik exactly being sent into prison?
Nikola Jokić prvi igrač u istoriji NBA koji je postigao 30/20/20
Everyone is getting this mate-in-two wrong
Find the mate in 2, this is a hard one. White to play.
What do you think culture convert is like IRL?
I’m 400 elo and I’m tired of it.
The seeds have been confirmed for the EuroBasket 2025! The Draw will takeplace the 27th of March | 14:00 CET
Resigned in this position cause i thought he had a light squared bishop
What was the longest war in The Lord of the Rings?
What's something that Sauron will never say?
Браћо и сестре преко Дрине, молим вас, ПРЕКЛИЊЕМ, да се смирите…
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