(Other Than Default) What's the first skin you've ever gotten, I'll go first
What's the first battle pass you bought
What is a Metallica Song You’ve never been able to get into?
Do y'all have a favorite pic of Layne?
Who would you rather have as a sister?
Thoughts on the album Risk?
Favorite song off of this album?
Drain You, played with my band “Mad Wire”
I really just wanna smell her hair
Do you really think that Lars is that bad?
which game are you buying your stepkids for xmas ??
Modern Metallica "isn't good" argument.
I need opinions on this song
Choose one. Dress or no dress?
No way
Would you date Knuckles?
Write your favorite sonic characters names with your eyes closed.
Los leo
Thoughts on Sonic X
Love is War Community Activity [Day 4]: Mikado Shijo has been chosen in the previous round. Next, which character is meant to be a side character, but ended up being a fan fav? [Discussion]
What is your favorite aic song?
Sludge Factory….
What are they seeing?
Love is War Community Activity [Day 2]: Kaguya Shinomiya has been chosen in the previous round. Next, which character is meant to be annoying but ended up being a fan fav? [Discussion]
Ur favorite song from The World Needs a Hero?