The hoof is back [TDM]
Fighter rogue multiclass tips
Which one if any should I train up for Psychic Week?
Elon Musk Talks Over Trump in Humiliating Sean Hannity Interview
Caught this Absol today
On the last day of Super Skill Week, what’s your team and how did it go?
How would we feel about Megas?
I'm tempted to feed a Togepi all my gold seeds and see it overkill every skill randomly. Wise or dumb idea?
r/Pokemon's Community Discussion Regarding the Site X Formally Known as Twitter
Caught this beauty this morning, would you invest?
Number one thing that pisses me off more than sweats, fuckers on your team that literally steal your Care Package from under your nose.
Thoughts on this neutral nature Larvitar
Wish list for future updates
Is she any good? Or am I in love with a false prophet?
A tale told in 3 pictures
Do you guys use shiny Pokemon if you have a better version?
What’s everyone shiny collection looking like?
Just a noobie who doesn't know strategy.
Seen on Facebook not sure I get it
Does the no nature ruin it as good?
Should I tell my roommate about firearms in the house?
The disappointment...
Give it to me straight, is this worth investing into
After the Main Skill Seed, what are you buying with your Dream Coins?
Is it better to hold only county capitals or hold all domains in fewer counties?