very new to this ,wanna know if i indeed purchased the wrong first rifle lmao (f1 udr-15) anything you guys would recommend changing
Colorado Cannabis Consumers: SB25-076 is a disaster in the making
Mine is cheetos
What do I put behind my desk in my office?
The current state of Austin has me panicking. I’m having panic attacks left and right.
This happened today on my way home from work (NSFW - LOTS OF SWEARING)
Considering moving here…
11 mo male standard poodle puppy name ideas
What the heck are these guys?
ICE in Grand Junction
Poodle mix??
Olympic sprinter Fred Kerley tased, beaten and pinned to ground by South Beach police officers
How in the f do i take this handguard off?
Grocery Store Carry
Romeo zero sight not fitting on Dagger
Does anybody else find this episode as funny as I do? Probably my favorite of all time
Can anyone else’s dog hear police radar guns and barks to alert you?
Barber shop.
T-Boned. Driver told the police I was speeding and took a red light.
Spartan Plumbing - Predatory Price Gouging- $900 an hour for labor.
What’s this floating thing?
Matt’s build and norm Macdonald voice
Asked ChatGPT to roast my gun
Last night I watched Bone Tomahawk. What are your thoughts on this film?
Scope camera?