How many stones does it take to cool gt down
How to spend 5,000 Stones?
Falling 5 points shorts of the dream clock sucks
Next card...
So happy to be 2/3rds of the way there
What's your most unpopular anime take
Where did you guys stop with golden bot duration and bonus?
Half way there to get lab speed max
Should I upgrade my UW more or save up for SM?
what did you get?
Which UW to choose?
Can we get a mega thread for people quitting to drop their manifestos?
Why all the complaining?
Fudds - Grammar pls
Update taking forever or id it just me?
Now what? UW question
What should I spend stones on?
Is it ideal to save up stones for next UW
Should the creator add a higher game speed upgrade past 5x? 6x 10x?
Shard lab priority?
How fast were you able to make Billions of Coins/Day?
What should I spend my stones on?
Who Is Coming To Save You?
Can someone please explain