Both can die in a fire…
Australian tarantula hawk wasp dragging off a huntsman spider to lay her egg in its paralysed body.
Wasp taking a piece of bratwurst
Cute Polistes Chinensis (is it?) I found yesterday
I saw we are posting wasps now: here's my friend feeding her wasp buddy a piece of raspberry. These wasps lived in her balcony and were very friendly.
What type of moth is this?
While the sub has a 'sting' in its name, this wasp I met was very friendly
Idk what's up with all the hate, met this cute Paper Wasp Queen and she was very polite and friendly
beware they are coming
Wasps are misunderstood
Huge bug presence in this subreddit
Saved this guy (yes I know one of the mean ones lol)
Can you draw my baby, ruby please
A House Centipede Molting it's Exoskeleton
Don't buy hangers from Amazon
Huntsman Spider (Heteropoda venatoria) with its Bebes found in my shed😖 (baby reference top left)
Please I’m so scared
Cute yellow jacket grabbies
🔥A leaf hopper nymph, the most adorable small bug, jumps like mini Spider-Man…but an insect.
Please tell me a subreddit this time
This is my micro LEGO city!
A big boy wanted to say hi
Made an edit of my first ever Blender Lego video (took 7 months of learning🫠)
An outtake from my first ever Blender animation