How often does your dog potty?
What times do you feed your dog?
How do I 20F stop getting mad at my boyfriend 22M when Im alone?
Feeding dilemma
How good are cavapoos with other pets? like cats?
Me (26F) and my S.O. (32M) aren't playing games together like we used to, is it okay feeling ditched and unheard?
HELP!! Just took 3 tabs on my first trip and I've got work in 2 hours??
My (25F) christian husband (25M) thinks that he's having sex with me, but he's not... How do I tell him without embarrassing him?
Any of yall tried snorting acid?
Found a roach in my bathroom, how do I ensure there aren't more in my house?
Holy shit my I can visualise.
anybody know about those rick and morty tabs
What happened to this cockatoo? BFPD?
Going to kms if I don’t get the help I need
Cap like object on hotel room roof, only writing on it is "do not paint" no other descriptive characteristics. There is 3 in the room
is 250ug too much for first time?
Advice for my first lsd trip
Person on LSD and person on MDMA will vibe together ?
My girlfriend (20F) won't stop calling me (19F) gay, what can I do?
American express credit card.
Changing colors?
“If it’s bitter it’s a spitter”but what does bitter taste like? Or normal lsd or 1s lsd do they have a taste?
120k in savings, buy a house or stocks?
What are careers/jobs that don't require a degrees but also has very high earning potential ?
am i 'F20' overreacting about my boyfriend's 'M20' snapchat?