What would you think if the first time you met someone they were very quiet and distant but the second time you meet them they’re all over you?
What would you do if someone came to your house to meet you for the first time and they acted quiet and distant toward you?
Would a guy kiss you if he’s not attracted to you?
How do you deal with wisdom tooth pain for a month?
How do you deal with someone with severe anxiety and has panic attacks a lot?
Why would a guy try to makeout with you and start initiating sexual activity if he just wants you to cuddle with him?
What do you do with long hair when giving a blowjob?
How do you express or use as an outlet for your inner pain and fears?
What do you think of a 30 year old woman was going out with a 40 year old man?
I’m so pissed off at myself right now. What should I do?
I stood up a guy because his driveway was glare ice. What should I do?
What was wrong with this person when they came over?
How do you ask a guy whom you’ve already made out with if you can make out with him again?
What does a guy mean when he says he wants to cuddle?
Why did they (30/f) act so awkward when they came to my (30/m) house?
Why would a person act so strange when going to someone’s house?
What would you do if you were hanging out with someone for the very first time and they seem really nervous and depressed?
Why would a guy want you to face him while cuddling?
What would you think if someone came to your house to “cuddle” and then acted awkward/distant and seemed upset about something?
Someone said they’re losing their wisdom next month. What does that mean?
How do you have sex when you’re fat?
How do you go on dates in public when you’re fat and ugly?
How do you go out on dates in public when you’re fat and ugly?
Is it even worth trying to pursue a relationship with someone who works opposite shifts and doesn’t have much time for you?