This is the craziest Tynan variant I've seen in a while
I'm having a hard time with the game and need help
Mods that absolutely PRECLUDE Killboxes?
No matter what I do I cannot tame this person.
No heads in race from mods
Just got my ass kicked by 200 shamblers
Is there a way to join the void fraction?
Help with kitchen
Do you people actually enjoy colonists being stupid and inefficient?
Help checking modlist for Medieval Run
When certain a pawn from xenotype enter my screen all pawns, animals and door become invinsible (xenotypes are ytakiin from base game / Faun's from Roo's faun xenotype / Zearots's from Night Shade Mercenaries)
What’s something silly that always makes you laugh, no matter how many times you see it?
Should I buy Biotech DLC?
What can you spend 400k cats on? (Only stupid answers)
22F US Looking for someone with a cool accent
21/m year old gamer/horror enthusiast/zombie connoisseur/artist/ffxiv beginner looking for friends!!
28M It's been a while since I've had a meaningful social interaction and I want to change that
I’m a complete noob but I love this game already.
Teleporting when attatcking mod?
Does Automated Turrets Suck ? The thing lost to a freaking Donkey in a 1v1
I need expert advice. Hopeful for serious answers.
Five Thousand Strikes
22 / REPO
I started playing a few days ago. Jesus Christ.
Survey for 5 mins, gcash payment