Com quem esse desenho se parece???
My collection after ~2 years, what's getting played first?
I have this guitar and I have no idea where it's from
Is there any song that Shavo or John sing?
What Radiohead song is he playing?
Qual a sua música longa (+8 minutos) favorita?
Galera, quanto custa camiseta de turnê
What song makes you feel like this?
What is your favorite song from Alice In Chains?
What’s the oldest CD you have?
[TOMT] [MEME] I can't find it, please help
"Why buy CD or Vinyl?" Written by an Ebay seller.
Can someone help me find a cd rack that would work well with my set up? Please and thank you (size of collection included but want to leave room to expand)
Me dêem nomes, kkkkk
Me ajudem a escolher o nome
What’s the oldest Cd you have in your collection?
Recommend some artists based of my collection
Found my box of CDs. Anyone a TOOL fan?
Need help
Digipack/Cardboard packaging IS BAD! Give me Jewel Cases any day
Minha coleçãozinha de lp
my whole collection.
1ª tentativa de bolinho de chuva 😰