Wash day :D I'm so in love with this color, camera just doesn't do it justice.
Who is waiting to get the MK8.5 Golf R?
G9 red line happened this evening, considering Geek Squad Warranty on my next one
Drake Golem: First Look
DSG and haldex service .
First time buyer. Should I buy it.
Gti autobahn or golf r?
Massage Seats?
Good morning! First drive with my new beast.
Was one of the level designers on the game at ship (was the first game I shipped, too). Makes me smile to see people excited that the game is coming back again <3
What kind of GPU are you running?
Is 5% limo tint to dark for the back half?
Ceramic Done. Now to complete the break-in (300 miles).
2025 US Golf R Order Guide
Left the golf platform
Stella Fortuna 2955 - If You're Going to do FOMO Events, Please Post A Restock Schedule
Who agrees that we need more (cargo) ships in the 150-300 scu range flight-ready?
MK8 Golf R Performance Pack necessary?
Hey CIG - While updating ships, how about a couple S4s on the MSR instead of S3's?
I can't wait for the Hull-B, for now this is my workhorse.
Drive modes make such an insane difference, my mind is blown.
My mom wasn’t really too into cars, but the 2024 clear out deals were way too good to pass up
The price of this patch... (decided to throw all the components I lost into erkul since I gotta go buy them all again) I love this game to death, but this absolutely sucks.
Project OEM+ Complete - R600 Matte Carbon Intake/Turbo Inlet - ECS Engine Cover Sanded/Resprayed Matte with the Blue R Badge - Now it needs a detail
Drive Easy plan on a Golf R