Have the devs mentioned the insane loading times post 1.5 update?
Seeing a lot of misinterpretation that will set unreasonable expectations
New tweet from Togashi (September 22, 2024)
Chad Jujutsufolk vs Virgin Jujutsushi
“Gojo forgot about his students in the afterlife wahhhh😢”
Mirroring of shibuya to shinjuku showdown and why we should be skeptical of gojo’s return in 260
Playing chess at Northgate
Thoughts? I disagree.
Why didn't Sukuna transform and then use WCS against Gojo?
Crackpot Prediction of 254 and the true nature of sukuna’s technique
Kashimo vs Okkotsu Yuta
Bungie dropped the ball by not including a new Race with the Pyramids.
New player with a question
Yuji/Sukuna, Cannibalism, Twins and Heavenly Restriction Theory
No matter how many times I reread the manga or watch YouTube videos about how gege foreshadowed everything, it still doesn’t sit right with me that Gojo got offscreen one tapped, after all the hype. I wish it was like Yutu- Geto type ending.
So he’ll be able to use Sukuna’s dismantle and cleave in the future?
Toji and Maki
Why are there two swords...?
The protagonists have 0 creativity
The way Sukuna killed Gojo should be the same way he killed Sukuna.
Nagumo is the weakest and the smartest between the trio during the school days, period.
I got denied to TAMU for a transfer
Gege cooked with Takaba’s origin
Is there still a lot of 236 hate in here?