Europe’s Big $840 Billion Defense Plan Faces a Tough Reality Check
I imagine the one on the right is fanning her eggs right? As more or less a beginner, I imagine it is too difficult to move the young ones to semi salty water, right?
Opera and Italian Language.
Groenlandia: arriva la moglie di Vance, il governo protesta. Trump jr e gli altri parenti: la politica estera Usa fatta dal clan del tycoon
One of Us
What is this? Italian countryside, about 6cm long
What's the most interesting European island that you have been to?
Posted some time ago about a rescued ADF in my community tank. You all agreed he shouldn't be alone. Check out top left.
I'm so done with Hans' bullshit
Reality check. Share of arms bought from US vs other countries
Gaza, Schlein: "In atto piano criminale di Trump e Netanyahu". La segretaria del Pd dopo i raid di Israele sulla Striscia: "Governo e Ue agiscano"
“If you look at the last 80 years, we’ve never seen anything like this with H5.” - We’ve entered a forever war with bird flu
Sourcing of defence equipment by EU Member States
How do you get a cats attention?
'Wales v Georgia Six Nations play-off is only logical'
Reported Ancestry of Irish Per 1,000 People
Provo un odio ingiustificato per mio padre
daily horny post to make the Italians suffer through lent
CMV: Italy's economy will continue to stagnate
Beaver Populations in Europe: 1900 vs. 2021
🇫🇷 🤝 🇮🇹
Italy and France sign agreement to create satellite constellation orbiting the moon, which has vast rare cheese reserves as we all know
Countries that will look to diversify their defense spending
Trump on Canadian electricity surcharge: ‘We’ll just get it all back on April 2’