Update: Please make dua for my father
Please make dua for me I am been severely sick for six plus years
Please make dua for me that this illness is cured.
Someone close to me got cancer diagnosis
Please make dua for my father
Update - Please make du’a for my mother
Please make du’a for my mother
Dua request for my sister with cancer
Submit your duas! Going to Umrah inshallah
Submit your duas! Going to Umrah Inshallah
My father passed away
Make duaa for me
Flair Thread - Please comment on this thread to get a flair
D3iw m3aya 3afakoum
Please pray for my father—he is in critical condition
My 4 Yr old daughter passed away in on Dec 25th last year
Please make dua for my dad
Please dua for my biopsy
Please make duaa for me
Please make dua for me