Prince Mush I doodled before my hand decided to carpal its tunnel
Most surprising "story takes place in the same universe" reveals in media?
Just found out..
To be FAIR.... I did name it KFP.
Thanks, Pocketpair. Until next time!
Is this a W for level 31
Finally, a perfectly square base!
Why Are Oil Rigs Able to Completely Respawn While You're Still There?
I’m not proud of myself, sadely. Do you think it’s portfolio material still ? (For internship third year of art school)
What the HELL is Dragon Tales?
Think I should take a break.
Fun Fact about Knuckles the Echidna I just found out: in Sonic Forces, hundreds of freedom fighters die under his command:
Why is killing members of the Free Pal Alliance a crime?
Why do some animators intersect the eye and eyebrows with the hair? Does this make animation easier since they dont have to delete anymore? Or is it a result of their animation method like rigging or something?
Can I be better than I am now?
Gots to be a better way to get more tech points (PS5)
Jetragon and Frostallion higher level. Is it normal?
Ranking the limited use copy abilities! There are eight copy abilities that go away after 1-3 attacks or a short time period. Vote for the one ability you think should take 8th place!
Happy 12,000th day of existence for Kirbo
New indie animation series is out
Had a dream where Beauty and the Beast was a Christian movie and the Beast had to convert Belle to be turned human
Hey Black Widow I love you and all but, I don’t think Amy is the right choice for you