Stage II Cards - Optic Texas (CDL 2025)
🚨 ANNOUNCEMENT 🚨 The OpTic Texas Revolving Door is now available to purchase 🟩⚡
Stage II Cards - Miami Heretics (CDL 2025)
Firing range returning to Season 3
Zooma Leaks FALCONS going Full NA Roster
What if Dashy retires
OpTic's timeline of Roster changes in the Black Ops 6 season
Where do you think Pred goes moving forward?
Huke Returns to OpTic
Call me crazy but I think LAT might pickup Pred
OpTic 2026 Pending…
With Huke re-joining OpTic Texas, Cloud 9 New York have an opportunity to cement themselves as a Top 3 team
GhostofHope says that from what he has heard, ReaaL fell through and its most likely Huke
CDCIntel on Twitter
We might see Prime Pred in Cloud9.
Poor Shotzzy and Dashy
Jake Hale confirms?
Stage II Cards - Vegas Falcons (CDL 2025)
Simp is currently on pace to surpass Scump. What would it take to officially pass him?
The top 4 used to unanimously be the Optic Dynasty. Simp has been able to break into that conversation probably taking Formals spot. Has Cell or Abezy reached the top 4?
Hypothetically let’s say FaZe dominante rest of the year. Do you think we’ll see a LAT x OpTic rostermania ?
Top 10 Players in the game post Major 2
Post-Major 2 Tier List
Cellium might be The Greatest AR Ever🤔❓
Me realising the next cod is Treyarch too with rumours of wall running