What do you guys think about a godhand manga?
Controversial/infamous things that as a fan of the media you can’t escape because people won’t stop bringing it up?
Sketchbook Saturday - share your latest work! Post images in comments!
I drew Francesca Prelati
I drew my rendition of female Sensei!
What do you want to be able to draw?
What do you do in your free time?
Best games to play while listening to podcasts
What is the smallest videogame-related molehill that you're willing to die on?
tried my hand at a loona piece in pixel art
What's your biggest fear about love/relationships?
Yknow, i find it so wierd...Tokyo Ghoul really doesn't get much attention i think
What keeps you from getting enough sleep?
What is your dream job ?
Media with satire that was so sneaky viewers didn’t get it at first
What small behavior reveals a lot about someone's true character?
Using movie titles only, how would describe your last poop?
Castoria cosplay :3 by Akashika.sama
Love language is cool and all but what is your hate language?
Francesca Prelati [Fate/Strange Fake]
I drew Francesca Prelati!
Shower's ready
Simple drawing of my favorite girl
What's a Character from non-Superhero media, that could be a pretty good Superhero
What is ruining your mental health?