F(27) and I don't know where to go from here
Fuck Walmart
AITA for telling my friend to get tested?
Am I wrong for telling my friend to get tested?
What sentence killed you inside but you had to act like ir didn't hurt?
what’s your go-to comfort tv show?
What movie traumatized you as a kid?
What did you get fired for?
What movie is an absolute blast from start to finish?
My friend of 8 years randomly cut me off without explanation so me not thinking we had any issues called for a wellness check after me and our friends couldn't get ahold of him for weeks.
Updated 100 Baby Challnge Rules?
What horror movies fucked you up as a child?
What single ingredient will spoil an entire meal for you if it's included?
Made some Strawberry Lemon Cupcakes! Flavors are on point but my decorating is slowly getting better :)
Made some of these for the holidays! Spiced cake cupcakes with a pumpkin mousse filling and cream cheese icing