Yeah that looks painful
Vaping while sick
Power Socket types in Europe!
Stepped on my iPad accidentally
Dove donare oggetti?
Alloggi universitari
the cost of a visit to the emergency room without insurance
A visual representation of the healing power of time
India's penetration cum blast warhead, yes that's the real name given by government and scientists
Why did Elon change the name of twitter to x, is he stupid?
What happens when my dad only needs half the pack of spagetti
For those who were so crippled mentally that they couldn't function: how did you get on top without using pharmaceutical drugs?
Oh my god, how can they do that
Be cautious of the film “Everything, Everywhere, All At Once”
My husband ate my stroganoff but left the sausages
What the hell?
The fact that our air and food/water both enter our bodies through the same port feels like a serious design flaw
Solicitor dropped a business card inside my screen door and I can't get it out.
What's a food that you swear people only pretend to like?
I swear to god, I have some of the worst smelling farts and shits on earth. What am I supposed to do?
Of course not 😏
Well I really don’t know what to do….
Bread, cheese and vegetables make a socially acceptable breakfast, but pizza weirdly doesn't
I don't know what to say about this one ....
Having a favorite dog breed is okay, but having a favorite human race is problematic.