Best Buy won't sell me this 5080
Treasures VS Trash
How Do You Cope With The Fact That Eventually One Day You Will Die?
The Focal Bathys's fatal flaw
Share your favorite!
Best gamin headset for 600?
Which one is the best
Update: Sennheiser NOT honoring HD 800 S orders for forwarding addresses
The final piece
15 year mirt patient, almost 2 weeks off, Haven’t been able to get more than 4 hours of sleep a night. How long will this last?
Someone on this thread advised me not to buy cheap IEMs, to save money and buy for the minimum, over $100. In the end, I think they were partly right; buying cheap junk is expensive!
Figured I'd try out this whole ‘headphones’ thing — my humble entry-level setup
Remeron doesn’t work for sleep some nights and I can’t stay asleep
Not sure if should I start (15mg)
META didn't give us a waifu. So I did it myself
IEMs in the gym
Confirmed order for my CrinEar Project Meta! Anyone else score one?
Why do pros never research or craft weapons?
Song you put on when you get a new IEM
Who else picked up a Crinear meta?
How bad is my situation
Slept 8 hours last night! Sunlight is amazing!!!
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AMA - Hype 4 | IE600 | Tea Pro