[I am the fated Villain]
[I am the fated villian]
[I am the fated Villain] Backstory?
[Similar manhwas?] Can someone recommend similar manhwas? (Maybe also some finished manhwas)
Magic Manhwas with at least 100 chapters+ or even finished
Should I keep this stats?
About ch 637
What should I put in my Rate Up?
Secret Bullet hits but West Wind effect is not added??
Never dropped a Burning Curse Helmet??!!
Which weapon should I craft?
Who should I put in my Rate Up?
Might have to buy subscription now?
I can‘t beat WOBL 25F on easy
PSA: For all those who wanted Meilin or wanted to get duplicates of Meilin, save your Custom Draw guarantee for Wednesday because the new update will most likely feature Meilin in the custom draw!
Is Skadi good or should I salvage?
Why can’t I confirm special summoning??
12 Tickets, what to craft?
Who should I get?
Should I go for dupes or should I first get for every hunter their individual weapons A0?
New artifacts