I have no idea
First time playing what should I expect?
God forbid a girl is this horny
My dad has a 50 trillion Zimbabwe dollar bill
Radiohead is my first adult music
I did a Hobbit & LOTR marathon yesterday, I'm so tired
which song ruins your insides?
Adopted dog can’t hide her smile.. 😊
Songs in which the lyric “Voice(s) in my Head” is used
Is it true that guys touch their groin area many times throughout the day?
How many films do you own on physical media (dvd/blu ray)? I have about 2250.
Cursed_ blow
Songs where the Beatles are named as a band, or individually.
Show me your last four watched and get four film recs
Why is the word 'Lesbian' censored on Prime Video?
Do any teenagers/kids like Billy Joel?
What’s the name of your group chat with the boys?
this is a still image
Every scene this man is in throughout the series is hilarious 😂
It was the best of times of times, it was the worst of times.
How many H can you type while holding your breath?
Ms. Cockblock
Went to Book off and saw a copy of 28 days later...put it back on the shelf after the sticker shock wore off.
Nothing changes...
Sick of everything being made out of the lowest possible quality shite plastic and breaking after like a month of light use.