Going Backpacking Post Fistulectomy
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Sugar daddy but he's just a #Munter
Fan Art. Id love to see an ac game that covers the Irish war of independence and civil war. It'd be a great setting to utilize a dense city map with surrounding countryside while only being slightly more modern looking than Syndicate.
Avatar 2 vs Black Panther 2: Similarity Coincidence?
Smith joke
didn't know they named a street in London after the best TTT weapon
Timecode Issues: Source Preview
Anyone want a free editor/ production work for 12 weeks?
Recurring friends
What are people's favorite alternatives to the polya flag? I made one today for kicks and I've seen a ton of other really nice ones out there.
Anyone wondering if Smiths shoe size is in the triple digits?
On a roadtrip with group for the first time since the pandemic 😁
Could a sailboat with solar powered engines be a thing?
Didn't know Craig did TikTok's
"no, this is my 5 second cub"
^ Bob's v Vejean
What is wrong with my screen???? Around the bottom left there especially
Clicking noise
One of my ears
When you're in bed arguing about which movie is the "first" and she says the prequals are bad
What is the movie called?