What the hell is this thing?
im at a loss for words
Did you know about this block meter terms?
Do you have a rival in PVZH?
chinese poem
They’re almost getting there…soon the nationalistic denying will turn into a “uh-huh” moment.
Which other Aphex Twin songs are the most like Fenix Funk 5?
Sweaty players deciding who to base their personality on
what happend to this game?
how real you think this comment is?
He dosent even survive cob cannon the turn he is played😭
I've been gaming for -3 minutes. TOP 25 Favorite games
Help on translation/burning
What's your favourite card Post-Update?
My tier list so far of all the heroes in the balance patch
Trump's response to the allegations of voter suppression
Never seen this pack before, is it worth it?
Guys I count this as a massive W for us
Need help on picking for bean team
Genuine question because I'm a noob, where do you play it in this situation?
Why don’t people like shooting star fruit?
Be honest r/aphextwin; you love RDJ and his music but there's at least one track you can't stand. For me, it's Ventolin. Absolutely unlistenable.
Who here do you pick to train you if you were in Naruto?