DIY Dn&D table for our group
What is your argument for people who say "faith is the only proof you need"
What is a skill people think they have when they actually don't?
Pork steaks
How do they do it?
Trump voter says he doesn't regret choice despite wife's ICE arrest
How did Jesus become so popular? I don’t believe his story at all I’m just curious— compared to other charlatans or prophets at the time?
Eloping in Forest Park?
People born before the 1990s, what is your retirement plan?
If all jobs paid the same what would you like to do?
Paladin wants PTSD - is this balanced?
As a forever DM when one of my players asked if they could try running the next game...
How do you deal with keeping your monsters moving around the map without creating obvious opportunity attacks?
Everyone always complains about pet peeves as a DM. What are some of your pet peeves as a player?
Someone honked at Lone Elk Park
So, how do you actually prep for a session?
What’s a cute dumb thing your pet does that never fails to make you laugh?
Absolutely insane 😩
What are some of the best movies to "go in blind" ?
How to get a PC to join the rest of the party without forcing him?
Am I in the wrong for thinking this?
Those are there to protect your eyes.
What's with the Marathon videos?
What’s a scam that people still fall for, no matter how obvious it is?
What is the biggest mistake you've made as a player/newbie?